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Environmental Engineering



The water resources and environmental engineering group performs multidisciplinary research in the areas of surface and groundwater hydrology, land-atmosphere interactions, hydrometeorology, contaminant transport and remediation in aquatic and soil environments, watershed biogeochemistry, solar and microbial fuel cell energy production. The faculty interacts with a broader group of faculty members that are affiliated with the Environmental Engineering Program and also works closely with the Center for Environmental Science and Engineering.

Degree Offered


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 Nelly M. Abboud
Associate Professor
nelly.abboud@uconn.eduCake filtration
 Alexander G. Agrios
Associate Professor
agrios@uconn.eduEnergy and environmental applications of nanotechnology
 Emmanouil N. Anagnostou
emmanouil.anagnostou@uconn.eduSatellite and radar remote sensing of precipitation
marina_web bagtzoglou_cr
 Marina Astitha
Assistant Professor
marina.astitha@uconn.eduAerosol-cloud-radiation interactions in regional and global scale
 Amvrossios C. Bagtzoglou
amvrossios.bagtzoglou@uconn.eduHydrologic modeling
 Nefeli Bompoti
Assistant Research Professor
nefeli.bompoti@uconn.eduEnvironmental remediation, surface engineering
 Maria Chrysochoou
Associate Professor
maria.chrysochoou@uconn.eduEnvironmental geochemistry, brownfield redevelopment
 Amine Dahmani
Associate Professor in Residence
amine.dahmani@uconn.eduEnvironmental remediation
 Zoi Dokou
Assistant Research Professor
zoi.dokou@uconn.eduGroundwater modeling, groundwater remediation
kirchhoff baikun_res liu
 Christine J. Kirchhoff
Assistant Professor
christine.kirchhoff@uconn.eduWater resources management and policy
 Baikun Li
baikun.li@uconn.eduBiological wastewater treatment
 Lanbo Liu
lanbo.liu@uconn.eduEngineering site characterization
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 Jonathan E. Mellor
Assistant Professor
jonathan.mellor@uconn.eduCoupled human/engineered/environmental systems
 Efthymios I. Nikolopoulos
Assistant Research Professor
efthymios.nikolopoulos@uconn.eduRemote sensing of precipitation
 Malaquias Peña
Associate Professor
mpena@uconn.eduPredictability and ensemble modeling
vadas wang
 Xinyi Shen
Assistant Research Professor
xinyi.shen@uconn.eduHydrological modelling
 Tim Vadas
Assistant Professor
timothy.vadas@uconn.eduContaminant fate and transport
 Guiling Wang
guiling.wang@uconn.eduLand-atmosphere interactions
 David W. Wanik
Assistant Professor in Residencedave.wanik@uconn.eduPredictive analytics


1. Hydraulics Lab

111_1119The Hydraulics Laboratory is located in room 114 of the F.L. Castleman building. The lab facilities are complete with a 4.5 m long hydraulics flume used in conjunction with a 12,000 gallon water storage tank, flow weir, Venturi apparatus, and an acoustic Doppler velocity sensor (ADV) and a rotometer. The hydraulics flume may be used for stream channel flow or engineered channels studies, as well as investigating flow through a simulated piping network.

2. Environmental Engineering Lab

The faculty members share a common space in Castleman 215 that houses major equipment, such as HPLC, GC/MS, AA/GF, IC, UV/VIS spectrophotometer, fluorescent microscope and others. Additionally, each faculty member has a variety of equipment in their own research space, such as ICP/MS, XRF, TOC analyzer and many others.

Research Sponsors

The Water Resources and Environmental Engineering group conducts research with the support of various federal agencies, including the National Science Foundation, NASA, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the (NOAA) and the Environmental Protection Agency. The faculty also works closely together with the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection and local authorities to address the environmental challenges facing the state. Finally, the faculty pursues close collaborations with industrial partners for technology development, such as the collaboration of Dr. Li with Fuss O’ Neil in the field of microbial fuel cells.l cells.