Assistant Research Professor Nefeli Bompoti and her students visit a brownfields site in New Haven, CT. Photo by Evan Olson.
This year, the Connecticut Brownfields Initiative provided assistance to several Connecticut communities seeking grant funding through the Environmental Protection Agency for brownfields assessment and rehabilitation.
As a result of these efforts, a combined $800K in EPA grant funds was awarded to three communities to conduct assessment of brownfields. The Capitol Region Council of Governments was awarded $300, 000 in funding, the City of Middletown was awarded $300,000, and $200,000 in funding was awarded to the City of New Haven.
The activities of the program were conducted in conjunction with a course offered through the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. The ENVE 3995 course in Brownfields Redevelopment allows undergraduate students to work directly with municipalities to prepare grant proposals for submission to the EPA.
Arthur Bogen, President of the Connecticut Brownfield Land Bank praised the CBI program for providing a real-world education that also benefits local communities. “What a testimonial to teacher, student and municipal staff dedication. The need will continue and this fine CBI tool has been wrought to serve for years to come. What striking proof of academics creating real world value.”