original post: http://cbi.uconn.edu/course-information/
Is this relevant to Connecticut and potential job opportunities?
Connecticut has a rich industrial history, which has resulted in thousands of abandoned sites throughout the state. The investigation, remediation and redevelopment of these sites requires skilled personnel in environmental law, financial and real estate analysis, land use and urban planning, public policy, environmental science and engineering and landscape architecture.
The course will bring students in contact with active professionals and CT municipalities, who will provide practical knowledge of the process, with real world examples
What can I expect to learn in this course?
The course will provide practical knowledge of the following topics:
What is the follow up practicum course?
In the Spring semester, students who took ENVE 3995 may elect to enroll for a follow up practicum, during which they will work with CT municipalities on a specific aspect of real brownfield project, helping the communities identify sources of funding and potential end uses, create wide area plans, prioritize sites, conduct a Phase I investigation or write grant proposal, to mention a few example of potential projects. Students will be supervised by professionals from the CBI partners, who span the range of relevant fields and have years of experience with projects in Connecticut and elsewhere. The practicum will offer students further opportunities for internships and hands on experience and interaction with future employers.
Is this a course only for engineers?
No. Brownfield redevelopment has an engineering component, but the course will provide an overview of all related aspects, including legal, socioeconomic, and science and engineering issues.
There are no prerequisites for the course and it is open to all majors. Juniors and seniors are encouraged to participate, but sophomores may also take it.
How can I register for the course?
For Fall 2018, the course is offered as ENVE 3995 Special Topics in Environmental Engineering: Brownfield Redevelopment
3 credits, Meeting times Tu Th 3.30-4.45
How can I get credit for the course and the follow up practicum in my major?
You will have to discuss this with your academic advisor, depending on your program requirements. Some information for selected majors follows.
Environmental Engineering students: you can use ENVE 3995 as Area 5 Professional Elective. The practicum course may be taken as an independent study for free elective credits.
Civil Engineering students: you can use ENVE 3995 as one of the additional Professional Requirements. The practicum course may be taken as an independent study for free elective credits.
Environmental Studies students: ENVE 3995 may be used as Major Elective, while the practicum portion may qualify for EVST 3991 Internship credits.
Environmental Science students: ENVE 3995 maybe used for credits in the Sustainable Systems concentration and the practicum portion can qualify for internship credits.